Thursday, July 06, 2006

MACH card draw winner gets cleaning bath

The lucky winner of the Guyson International business card draw at MACH 2006, Anne Barthelemy, was recently presented with her prize - a Pulsatron KC3 ultrasonic bath.
The lucky winner of the Guyson International business card draw at MACH 2006, Anne Barthelemy, a production engineer at Hoerbiger Rings and Packings in Bradford was recently presented with her prize, a Pulsatron KC3 ultrasonic bath, by Guyson's sales and marketing Director Gaye Barber.

After the presentation Barthelemy and a colleague had a tour of Skipton, UK site, which houses design, demonstration, manufacturing, sales, warehousing and distribution facilities and undertook component trials in the demonstration lab.

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