Thursday, July 06, 2006

MACH 2006 visitors were up by 9.2%, says MTA

The UK's Manufacturing Technologies Association, confirming very positive feedback from exhibitors, reports 22,742 visitors to MACH 2006 compared to 20,809 in 2004 - a 9.2% increase.
Confirming very positive feedback from exhibitors following MACH 2006, who felt that they had received more and better quality visitors than in 2004, official figures report 22,742 visitors to MACH 2006 compared to 20,809 in 2004, an increase of 9.2%. The number of exhibitors at the show also rose from 480 to 538. The figures further show that the number off attendees registering as buyers attending the show also increased when compared to 2004, another perception widely reported by exhibitors.

'We are delighted with MACH 2006,' said Dave Andrew, sales and marketing director of Hardinge-Bridgeport Machine Tools, 'Our stand was full of potential buyers for most of the week, many of whom we did not already have contact with and to top it all off we sold 24 machines during the week, totalling over GBP 1.4 million pounds worth of sales.

We have since closed a further eight machines and are still going.

For us the show proved to be well organised, well attended and has already delivered more than the return on investment that we expected.

MACH 2006 produced our best UK show result ever.

We were delighted.

Will we be back?

We have already booked.' Mills Manufacturing were also impressed.

Their managing director Mike Jenkins commented, 'We were delighted to be back at MACH 2006.

The show exceeded all our expectations.

The quality of visitors was especially good and it was great on the stand meeting customers who had serious buying intentions.

We secured eight orders valued at just under GBP 1m during the show and a further GBP500,000 worth of business by the end of the first week after the show.' David Carter, UK sales manager of Cincinnati Machine, reflected his delight saying: 'We have been exhibiting at MACH for many years and 2006 was one of the best.

It gave us the perfect opportunity to catch up with our customers as well as meeting new buyers.

As a Birmingham based company it was also great to have the opportunity to appear on the local Midlands news to raise the profile of Cincinnati, our local production facility and our industry as a whole.'

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