Friday, November 02, 2007

Industrial Brokerage Firms

Industrial brokerage firms specialize in the sale, the leasing, and the development of land and facilities that are used for industrial purposes like manufacturing, distribution, logistical services and space for technology-based businesses. These brokerage firms have a wide knowledge of the available industrial real estate on the market as well as market conditions. Having this knowledge allows them to produce the results that their clients require for their business needs. However, as an investor, you should not let your broker do all the work since you also need to have a certain level of knowledge and skill in handling your investment. Being actively involved in your investments can give you protection.

Ways to track your investment

Playing an active role in handling your investment in industrial real estate can also help your broker since it will guide him as to what you want and how you want it done. One of the ways of to keep track of your investment is to read and keep all documents involved in the transaction. You should also keep good notes of what you discuss with sellers or your broker so that you can refer to them if you have concerns. You should also make sure that all documents regarding the transactions are sent directly to you so that you get first-hand information.

You should also make it a point to meet with your broker or visit his firm on a regular basis so that you can be given updates with regard to your investment.

It is also advisable that you verify your investment information by conducting independent research on them. You can do this by accessing the information that your brokerage firm provides the local Securities and Exchange Commission in the form of annual and quarterly reports. Most importantly, you should review your portfolio regularly so that you are aware of the status of your investments.

Getting an industrial broker to help you with you industrial real estate investments can be a convenient way to purchase industrial real estate. However, you should not let your broker have full control of your investment. You need to play an active role in knowing where you invest as well as in protecting your investment.