Wednesday, August 30, 2006

First offshore ASME engine conference - Industry News - American Society of Mechanical Engineers

The Internal Combustion Engine Division of ASME will hold its spring technical conference in Salzburg, Austria, May 11-15. The meeting will also represent the first ASME-ICE conference ever held outside of the United States. The 2003 spring conference will be hosted by the Austrian Marine Equipment Manufacturers (AMEM) organization.

A fine technical program is assured though the host organization, AMEM, and with the assistance of many Austrian companies that are strong supporters of ASME and CIMAC, including AVL, Jenbacher, Geislinger, MIBA and Bosch. Papers will be presented covering topics related to all types of automotive, marine, locomotive, off-highway, and industrial engines and will address aspects of the design, development or application of compression-ignition (diesel) and spark-ignition reciprocating engines. Light-duty and heavy-duty engines, as well as large-bore engine systems for power generation and propulsion will be covered.

Anticipated technical sessions span the range from fundamental research to practical in-use applications. Topics will include combustion, noise and vibration, engine-fuel interactions, in-cylinder emission control and flow processes, exhaust aftertreatment, alternative fuels, engine cooling, lubrication, fuel injection and ignition systems, engine design, control and monitoring, engine simulation and diagnostics, advanced engine concepts, component dynamics, wear and materials.

The conference site is the Hellbrunn Palace, known for its aquatic gardens, grottos, parks, water-driven figurines and fountains, all built 400 years ago by the last prince-bishop of Salzburg. Four hotels within the city will be made available for stays, with a shuffle service available for transport to and from the conference site.

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